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Happy Piranha

Death's Domain: A Lavender, Jasmine & Vanilla Scented Candle

Death's Domain: A Lavender, Jasmine & Vanilla Scented Candle

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Death's Domain reaper man scented candle label design | Happy Piranha.

Deaths Domain Scented Candle - a lavender jasmine & vanilla aroma!

The problem with the brightest flames,
Is they don't burn forever
And when their time is at last wick... 

Scythe in hand,  
Corn in mouth , 
He guides them to the nether. 

...To life's next great adventure.

.... and was that a rat I spotted too? And did it have a little hood? Definitely not.


...and so do we.


Happy Piranha's Death's Domain scented candle is a tribute to the reaper man himself and the one who personified him so perfectly.

The candle features DEATH and his companion at his home abode. There's something very wrong with that swing.

The twilight purple wax exudes a calming lavender, vanilla and jasmine aroma.

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About our candles

Happy Piranha's candles are handmade by the candle makers guild, hidden away down the cobbled streets of the Krowji district in Cornwall.

This generous sized  candle has an average burn time of 35 hours. With a snug lid to keep it fresh for every use and to stop it's soul from escaping.

Product info

  • 1x Death's Domain scented  candle
  • Hand made candle, hand drawn design
  • 62mm high & 78mm diameter
  • Lavender, jasmine & vanilla scent
  • 35 hour average burn time
  • A snug lid to keep fresh for further use

Scent  Lavender, Jasmine & Vanilla
Notes Fresh, floral & comforting
Wax Color Purple
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