Clubs & Groups

Here's the regular clubs and groups that currently call Happy Piranha Café their home.

Interested in something and want to share it with others? Get in touch and we might be able to help house your club and grow your group. You might also like to check out the events that we host from time to time.

  • Monday: Trelawny's Armies Gaming Society

    Truro's tabletop wargaming Society.

    Let's Battle! 
  • Wednesday: Trust the Process Craft Club

    Bring along a project and hang out.

    Let's Make! 
  • Thursday: Tin Squadron - Star Wars X-Wing

    Cornwall's Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game Squadron.

    Let's Fly! 
  • Thursday TCG Casual Night

    Come play your favourite TCGS in a casual setting.

    Let's Duel! 
  • Thursday: Pokémon League (Adults)

    Play, chat and trade Pokemon TCG and VG

    Let's Collect! 
  • Friday: Wizards & Warlords

    A local group of tabletop roleplaying gamers .

    Let's Adventure! 
  • Saturday: Board Game Night

    Play board games with us, or bring your own!

    Let's Play! 
  • Monthly: D&D Adventurer's League

    Flexible Dungeons & Dragons Adventures.

    Let's Roll! 

Trelawny's Armies

Trelawny's Armies Gaming Society (TAGS) are Truro's local wargaming group, meeting on Mondays.

From Warhammers 40k and Age of Sigmar, To Lord of the Rings, Star Wars Legion and Marvel Crisis Protocol, if you're looking to play a tabletop wargame' there's probably someone in TAGS who'll play it with you!

Visit TAGS on Facebook

Trust the Process Craft Club

Trust the Process is a craft club for all at Piranha Café, running Every other Wednesday from 6pm - 10pm.

Bring whatever craft you like; from crochet to digital art and sit down and socialise with some like-minded crafty individuals.

Food and drinks available to purchase form the café. Everyone is welcome (ages 16+)!

Trust the Process Craft Club on Facebook

Tin Squadron

Tin Squadron are Cornwall's local Star Wars X-wing Miniatures game club, meeting every Thursday.

What's X-wing? It's a tabletop game where players battle it out against one another using infamous ships and pilots form the Star Wars universe.

Keen to play and happy to teach, Tin Squadron are always accepting of new players and veteran pilots alike.

Tin Squadron's Facebook

TCG Casual Night

Bring along your favourite trading cards games and enjoy them with others.

Whether you're just here to trade, chat or play, come hang out in a casual setting and enjoy whatever flavour of cardboard that makes you happy.

Sometimes we might run a little tournament or have free loot to give out too!

TCG's at Piranha Cafe (Facebook Group)

Pokémon League

Pokémon League is our official meet up for fans of Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokémon Video Game and Pokémon Go!

Whether you just want to chat with like minds, trade, or play, come along (with your Pokémon ID if you have one) and have some fun.

Every so often we'll run other League events and have some cool promotional items to give out too!

Thursday evenings our our adults only meetups, Junior, Senior and mixed events will be scheduled separately on our events page.

TCG's at Piranha Cafe (Facebook Group)

Wizards & Warlords

Wizards and Warlords are a local group of tabletop and rpg gamers that meet on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Mostly focusing on Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder, they do dabble in other roleplaying and tabletop games too! They're happy to take on newcomers or seasoned adventurers alike.

Wizards & Warlord's Facebook

Board Game Night!

While you can come and use our board game library during the day (and the evening if you're a member) we also hold a dedicated board game night on a Saturday evening.

Join our Facebook group to meet like-minded gamers, keep up to date on board game events and chat about your favourite games!

Board Games at Piranha Cafe (Facebook Group)

Adventurer's League

Adventurer’s League are epic 4 hour Dungeons & Dragons adventures with an  experienced DM and bespoke campaign that adapts to suit all levels. 

Each session you’ll level-up, keeping the rewards you acquire to carry on to future Adventurers League games... anywhere in the world!

Regular players to Adventurers League sessions will to enjoy recurring themes, whilst the format alsooffers the flexibility for players to attend future games as you please. 

Find out More or Book

Interested in D&D?

As well as the events we run and the clubs that play here, we've teamed up with several experienced Games Masters who are here to help you get into playing Dungeons & Dragons when available.

If you already have a group, we got lots of cool themed space for you to play in and if you want to GM or DM we're always open to hearing from you about any other ideas too!

Dungeons & Dragons at Piranha Café