How to Play Hnefatafl - Board Games Rules & Instructions | Happy Piranha

How to Play Hnefatafl | Board Games Rules & Instructions

How to play Hnefatafl - the Viking chess game.

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Read the Rules

The aim of the game

  • The attacker wins by capturing the king.
  • The defender wins if the king reaches a corner.


  • Place the King in the centre square and  his 12 guards on the marked spaces around him.

  • Place the 24 warriors on the spaces marked on the 4 sides.

  • Pick an attacker to play the warriors and a defender to play the king and his guard.


The attacker starts first, with players taking it in turns to move a single piece.

Movement rules

  • You may move a piece any number of spaces in a horizontal or vertical line.
  • You cannot move diagonally.
  • You cannot move a piece off the board, or through another piece.
  • Pieces cannot share spaces.
  • Only the king may occupy the centre and corner refuge spaces.

Capturing rules

You may capture an opponent's piece by sandwiching it horizontally or vertically between 2 of your pieces, or between one of your pieces and a refuge square.

  • A piece is only captured if it is sandwiched as a result of an opponent's move.
  • If it moves in between opposing pieces itself, it is not captured.
  • You may capture multiple pieces at once.
  • The king may be used to capture, but not when he is on the central square.

To capture the king, you need to surround him on all 4 sides with attacking pieces. He is not safe sitting on the central square, only when he reaches a corner.

Some variations allow the king to be captured by just 3 pieces, if he is on a board edge.

Game End

  • The attacker wins by capturing the king.
  • The defender wins if the king reaches a corner.
  • If either player cannot move, it’s a draw.

That’s Hnefatafl - capture the Viking King, or run away with him to win!



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