How to Play Quixo -Board Game Rules & Instructions | Happy Piranha

How to Play Quixo | Board Game Rules & Instructions

How to Play Quixo, a chunky take on Tic Tac Toe.

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Read the Rules

The aim of the game

To win, get 5 of your symbols in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.

    To set up

    Lay out the board and fill it with cubes, with the blank sides facing up.

    To play the game

    Each player pics a symbol (noughts or crosses) and then decides who goes first.

    On your turn, pick a cube from an outside edge that is either blank, or shows your symbol.

    Then, from the edge, slide it back into the row or column you took it from, with your symbol facing up.

    You cannot place the cube back in the spot you took it from.

    Take it in turns taking and replacing cubes until one person gets 5 of their shape in a row, they win!

    If you make a row of someone else's shape, you lose, even if doing so makes a row of your shape too.

    There’s also a team version of Quixo for 4 players.

    Team members sit opposite each other and when moving a piece of your team’s shape, the dot on the cube must be on the edge nearest to you. When you place a cube back, you can choose which way it faces.

    That’s Quixo, simple, slidey 5 in a row!


    Sound like fun?
    Get yourself a copy of Quixo from the Happy Piranha Store!

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