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Read the Rules
The aim of the game
Katamino has 12 polygon pieces, each 5 square spaces in size.
Your job is to make a specific combination of these fit perfectly into the defined space on the board.
To play the game
To begin your first puzzle, find the table on the first page. Start on row A, Penta 3. Place your divider in the gap between numbers 3 and 4.
For this challenge, you’ll have to fit these 3 pieces, in this space, to completely cover the defined area.
When complete, move the divider across one space, between numbers 4 and 5. Now you can try row A, Penta 4, using these 4 pieces.
Work your way along the row of increasing difficulty. Once you’ve sussed it, reset the divider to between 3 and 4 and start Penta 3 on the row below.
When you’ve completed that table, move onto the next one, with over 500 puzzles of increasing difficulty!
There’s also a 2 player mode, using the grid on the back of the book. Take it in turns to place a piece onto the grid - the last player to place a piece that completely fits wins!
That’s Katamino - a puzzling amount of puzzles.