How to play Flip 7, the greatest card game of all time… according to the box.
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Read the Rules
The aim of the game
Flip 7 is a push your luck game, where you’ll be flipping cards in a race to 200 points. It’s not just any deck of cards though. There’s only one ‘1’, two ‘2’s, three ‘3’s , four ‘4s’ and so on… plus these guys.
To set up
- Shuffle the deck.
- Pick a dealer, they give 1 card face up to each player, including themself.
- If anyone gets an action card, resolve it immediately
To play the game
Now, in a clockwise order, the dealer gives each player an option -’twist’, and get dealt one more card, or ‘stick’ and bank the numbers in front of you.
The next player gets the same choice. Stick or twist and this continues in a clockwise order, until all players have either banked or gone bust.
You go bust if you’re dealt 2 of the same number. Sit out the rest of the round. You don’t score anything.
If you bank, exit the round and add the points you collected to your total. First total the sum of all your number cards, then apply any multiplier cards to that value, then add any bonus point cards.
If you collect 7 different numbers in front of you without going bust, the round ends immediately. Everyone who hasn’t bust banks the points in front of them. The player who flipped 7 adds an additional 15 to their total, AFTER adding bonuses.
Finally, if you flip an action card, you can choose to play it on any active player - one that hasn’t banked or bust - including yourself. If you’re the only player left, you MUST play it on yourself.
- Freeze forces a player to bank their points and sit out the round.
- Flip three makes the player turn 3 more cards. If at any point during this they’ve flipped 7 different numbers, end the round immediately. If they flip another flip three, a freeze, or this makes them go bust, continue until all 3 cards have been flipped, then resolve any actions.
- If you flip a second chance, keep it in front of you. If, on a subsequent flip, you turn a number which would make you go bust, discard it, along with this card. You may only ever have one second chance in front of you, if you flip another, give it to someone else.
When everyone’s banked or gone bust, the round is over. Collect all face up cards, second chances included and put them in a discard pile. Start a new round with the remaining deck. If ever you run out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck.
Game end
Keep playing rounds until a player has banked 200 points or more!
That’s Flip 7, an addictive little push your luck card game.